What are the stages of a renovation?

The easiest way to organize the to-do list is by room and then within each room by category, that is, finishes (floors, walls, tiles, cabinets and countertops), doors and windows, electricity and plumbing. Week 1: site preparation and demolition Week 4: plaster walls and finishes. During this stage, you will define the scope of the work, establish a budget, and establish a schedule for the project. Whether you're renovating your own home or an investment property, these five stages will guide you through the process and ensure that you achieve your desired results.

The completion stage represents the last effort to complete the renovation project and deliver it to the owners. Understanding the five stages of renovation can help you manage the project more efficiently and achieve the desired results.

Jennifer Strube
Jennifer Strube

Avid tv fan. Professional internet expert. Extreme pop culture fan. Extreme baconaholic. Freelance music advocate.