What are the stages of remodeling?

A major remodeling project can involve many stages of the construction process. There's an order in things when it comes to any major construction project, and a residential remodeling project is no exception. Each phase of the remodeling process builds on the previous one, so careful coordination of each trade or craftsman involved is necessary. A major remodeling project involves a gradual process that must be carried out.

sequentially. Each phase builds on the previous one, from the initial conception of the design to the preparation of the site and the final route. Understanding the sequence helps the owner to visualize the process and keep abreast of the progress of the work. In addition, working with a design and construction firm creates a smooth transition from one phase to another.

Here, our goal is to guide you through the multiple stages of a major home remodeling project, so you know what to expect, understand how long it will take, and what to do if you have questions. As you can see, the process of a major remodeling project is like a carefully choreographed play, with each phase building on the previous one to complete a complete remodeling project. The following list shows the 23 stages of a remodeling project, from preparing the land to obtaining a certificate of occupancy issued by the local building officer.

Jennifer Strube
Jennifer Strube

Avid tv fan. Professional internet expert. Extreme pop culture fan. Extreme baconaholic. Freelance music advocate.